Are Brand-New Tesla Cybertrucks Rusting in the Rain? Know the reason why?

Corrosion Reports: Owners of Tesla Cybertrucks have reported spotting corrosion on their vehicles after exposure to rain, sparking concerns.

Stainless Steel Composition Despite being corrosion-resistant, stainless steel isn't entirely rust-proof due to its chromium content.

Evidence Photos shared by owners show small spots of discoloration on Cybertruck panels, but they were easily removed with clay bars, indicating a surface-level issue rather than severe corrosion.

Possible Causes Speculation suggests that the corrosion might be attributed to rail dust, tiny iron particles that settle on surfaces and can rust under certain conditions.

Complex Conclusion Without physical examination, it's challenging to ascertain the exact cause of the reported corrosion, whether it's damaged stainless panels, pitting, or rail dust.

Likely Explanation Rail dust seems to be the simpler and more plausible explanation for the reported discoloration on Cybertruck panels.

Maintenance: Maintaining the Cybertruck's unconventional bare stainless steel surface may require additional care, as advised by Tesla's manual, to prevent potential corrosion issues.

Conclusion:  Likely rail dust, not stainless steel corrosion, causing spots on Tesla Cybertrucks, requiring extra care.